One stop solution to all your FBA PL problems

We here at Enetwa prepare customised listing audit template for your listing depending on the type of product, niche, competiton, category.

Our experts will thoroughly check your listing and try to squeeze out any problem that you may face in the future related to that particular listing. It would include making sure:

  • Your listing Images are upto date and comply with the Image optimization strategy that we follow, in order to attract more customers to your listing.
  • Your listing should also comply with our content optimization strategy to make sure you content is following all the C’s of communication
  • Your listing’s Ebc design would inspected by one of top designers, to see if it complys with the over A+ content strategy we follow.
  • Once we audit all of the above, we then move on to suggest additions and subtractions to your listing, that would give you better conversion rates and help you become profitable
  • Other than this, Enetwa will will also provide you with a full-proof ranking strategy once the audit is complete, to help you rank your listing better