Listing optimization is something that most sellers turn a blind eye on. However it is the most important part of a brand launch. Team Enetwa has specialised experts who will take care of your listing, so that it's fully optimised.

Here are some points that we make sure every listing must have before it goes live:

Extensive keyword indexing: Keyword research and its indexing plays a crucial role in your products rankings, we make sure we find out and research the most relevant and highly convertible keywords for your listing, we make sure amazon’s A10 algorithm recognizes them and registers your listing with more relevancy.

Images optimisation: In Online shopping people buy images and not products, keeping that in mind Enetwa prepares highly convertible images for your product’s listings. We make sure images speak to the customers, and are very attractive at the same time.

A+ content: A+ content of any listing should not only be highly informative, but also attractive at the same time. Team Enetwa has some top EBC designers in place for this task, they will design your EBC listing in just the right manne