We are all you need for your Amazon private label business!

At Enetwa, building your business the way you have envisioned is our utmost priority.

We have played a prominent role in the world of private label brand building. With diverse expertise, we have successfully launched over 20 brands in the Amazon marketplace worldwide.

Here’s how it works:

The first thing you need to do is find profitable products for your brand. Our experts will not only help you in this search for the perfect products, but will also align your efforts to build brand prominence as you launch it.

Once you’ve done this, Team Enetwa will start sourcing your product. We make sure to find the best supplier that has your product in just the right quality and the lowest price. Sourcing is the most crucial part of any product launch so we keep no stone unturned. Our agents in China perform ground sourcing for your product and to get you the best prices for premium goods.

The first thing you need to do is find profitable products for your brand. Our experts will not only help you in this search for the perfect products, but will also align your efforts to build brand prominence as you launch it.

Once the suppliers are finalized, our consolidation team will consolidate all the samples in china and send it right away to our specified address for sample evaluation, evaluation is a crucial part of sourcing, where we make sure that it matches the quality that is required.

before the samples are consolidated we also get a thorough patent check for the product or products, so that we are free from any legal claims on the particular products

After our team has thoroughly gone through all the procedures and is fully satisfied with the results, we move on to the next step and pace order in China for the required quantity.

Team Enetwa then makes sure that the supplier meets the quality agreed throughout the production procedure, with regular factory inspections, where our agents visit the production site for a keen look, moreover a pre production factory inspection also takes place before we place the final order.

During the production and shipment period team Enetwa works on the listing optimisation of your product/products and starts building your brand prominence outside of Amazon. Our team keenly analyses the competitors and performs thorough niche analysis to get to the core of the product and performs extensive keyword research best suited according to the amazon A10 algorithm. All the data is compiled to build a full proof listing for your amazon product.

Once all of the above is done, we move on to the launching phase, where team Enetwa uses its past launch experiences to build the best plan for that particular product which helps the product rank and maintain the sales velocity in the cheapest possible bleeding cost.

Our team will then keep track of your account on a daily basis and help you manage the day to day tasks required to stabilise the product including timely inventory replenishment,customer dealings,handling PPC campaigns at the lowest possible TACOS at the same time maintaining the sales velocity.