You think you got the right price and quality? Try US!

Sourcing is the most important part of any business, and we put utmost importance to it. In order to leave no stone unturned while we source for your product, we have deployed multiple agents in different cities of China, this helps us to get better prices for the quality that we need.

Our agents work day and night once a sourcing project is handed over to them, contacting over 100 suppliers and negotiating for the lowest price in order to get the best of the best.

Once we are able to find the best supplier for your product, we finalise 1-3 best one of them. We consolidate the samples at one place and send it to the place designated for the sample evaluation ( which could be your country, our country or even China).

Sample evaluation is a necessary step before we place an order, we compare the samples of the competitors and try to get the best quality, we also perform lab tests for the material of the products if required.

After sample evaluation we also provide optional factory inspection of the production site, just so that we have no doubts.

Final order is placed once all the above mentioned procedures have taken place.

The work doesn't end here, we here at Enetwa make sure that the production process goes smoothly, to make sure that happens our team members in china make frequent visits to the factory to inspect, we ask suppliers to send us pictures and videos of the process frequently.

A final inspection takes place post production, where each and everything is inspected thoroughly before we ship the goods to the respective marketplace